Training program
INRAPORC: A system for analysis and elaboration of nutritional strategies for pigs
FREE PROGRAM – limited seats
Registering card here (just to 08/11/10)
Date: November 22 and 23, 2010
Ministrants: Dr. Jaap Van Milgen (INRA - UMR SENAH, France) and Prof. Dr. Paulo Alberto Lovatto (UFSM, Brazil)
Special participation: Prof. Dr. Candido Pomar (Agriculture and Agri-food Canada)
Public: Animal nutritionists, researchers and professors from enterprises, cooperatives and institutes of research and teaching, as well as Master Science and PhD students.
Local: Agrarian Sciences Sector, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Coordenation: Prof. Dr. Marson Bruck Warpechowski
Promotion: Animal Science Department and Veterinary Science Post-Graduation Program of the Federal University of the Paraná State (UFPR), at Curitiba, Paaná, Brasil.
Morning: Mathematic and biological basis of nutritional modeling for pigs
Afternoon: INRAPORC Model basis, overview and applications
Morning: INRAPORC practical training (growth and sow modules)
Afternoon: Training hold on; Actual and future developments
Subject overview:
InraPorc is a model and software tool to analyze performance and to evaluate different nutritional strategies for growing pigs and sows. InraPorc has been developed at the INRA-Agrocampus "UMR SENAH" research unit in Saint-Gilles, France.
InraPorc integrates current knowledge of nutrition of growing pigs and sows in a model and software tool, making it available to professionals in the animal nutrition sector. The objective of the model is to evaluate different nutritional scenarios. InraPorc is also one of the few decision support tools developed for the nutrition of reproducing sows.
The InraPorc software consists of three modules: a Feed module, a Sow module, and a Growing Pig module. The Feed module allows characterizing the feed that is going to be used. In this module, the feed database of INRA-AFZ is used to help the user to characterize the feeds. The sow and growing pig modules are both very similar in design and allow the user to characterize the pig in its environment. By performing a simulation, the user can get a detailed overview of how nutrients are used by the animal for different functions. InraPorc also offers the possibility to compare different nutritional strategies in terms of performance and nutrient balance. The software is available in French, English, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Polish versions. More information and scientific papers on the INRAPORC Model, including the download of demonstration, educational and complete software versions could be obtained in the site:
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Setor de Ciências Agrárias - Rua dos Funcionários, 1540 - Curitiba/PR - CEP 83035-050
Fone: (41) 3350-5779 / 5669