fúnebre na Costa do Ouro, século XVIII.
Fonte: Edward Cavendish Drake, A new universal collection of authentic
and entertaining voyages and travels, from the earliest accounts to the
present time (London, 1770), facing p. 521. Comentário:
it shows the procession, the
corpse carried in a litter and various members of the procession
playing musical instruments.
Jean Baptiste Debret.
Cortejo fúnebre do filho de um rei negro,
c. 1835.
Fonte: Jean Baptiste Debret, Voyage Pittoresque et Historique au Bresil
(Paris,1834--39), vol. 2, plate 16 (bottom), p. 152.
Comentário: Caption,
"Convoi Funebre d'un fils de Roi Negre" (funeral procession of the son
of Black King); corpse carried in a litter to burial ground. The
engravings in this book were taken from drawings made by Debret during
his residence in Brazil from 1816 to 1831.
Morittz Rugendas. Enterro de um negro na Bahia, c. 1830.
Fonte: Johann
Moritz Rugendas, Voyage Pittoresque
dans le Bresil (Paris, 1835; also published in same year in
German). Reprinted in Viagem Pitoresca Através do Brasil (Rio de
Janeiro, 1972). Comentário: Caption,
"enterrement d'un Negre a Bahia"
(funeral of a black in Bahia); burial in a Catholic cemetery outside of
a town;
the deceased was, perhaps, a free person of color.
Jean Baptiste Debret.
Enterro de uma mulher negra, c. 1835.
Fonte: Jean
Baptiste Debret, Voyage Pittoresque
et Historique au Bresil (Paris,1834-39), vol. 3, plate 16 (top),
p. 152. Comentário:
Caption, "Enterrement
d'une Femme Negre" (funeral of a black woman). Shows entourage entering
church, corpse on a litter carried by men and women; surrounding crowd
singing and clapping. The engravings in this book were taken from
drawings made by Debret during his residence in Brazil from 1816 to