Saulo Pomponet Oliveira
- [60] S. P. Oliveira, J. S. Azevedo, J. C. Batista, and D. M. Novais (2024), Modeling and Hybrid Inversion of Mineral Deposits Using the Dipping Dike Model with Finite Depth Extent. Minerals, 14, 1054.
- [59] J. A. Fernandes, J. S. Azevedo, and S. P. Oliveira (2024), A combined Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Levenberg-Marquardt inversion method for heterogeneous subsurface reservoir modeling. Discover Applied Sciences, 6, 514.
- [58] L. T. Pham, R, Smith, S. P. Oliveira, and V, T. Jorge (2024), Enhancing magnetic source edges using the tilt angle of the analytic-signal amplitudes of the horizontal gradient. Geophysical Prospecting, 72(8), 3026-3037.
- [57] S. P. Oliveira, L. T. Pham, and Roman Pasteka (2024), Regularization of vertical derivatives of potential field data using Morozov's discrepancy principle. Geophysical Prospecting, 72(8), 2880-2892.
- [56] L. T. Pham, S. P. Oliveira, M. Le-Huy, D. V. Nguyen, T. Q. Nguyen-Dang, T. D. Do, K. V. Tran, H.-D. T. Nguyen, T.-N. T. Ngo, and H. Q. Pham (2024) Reliable Euler deconvolution solutions of gravity data throughout the beta-VDR and THGED methods: Application to mineral exploration and geological structural mapping. Vietnam Journal Of Earth Sciences, 46(3), 432-448.
- [55] L. T. Pham, S. P. Oliveira, K. Abdelrahman, D. Gomez-Ortiz, D. V. Nguyen, Q. T. Vo, and A. M. Eldosouky (2024), Selection of Euler deconvolution solutions using the enhanced horizontal gradient and stable vertical differentiation. Open Geosciences, 16, 20220637.
- [54] L. T. Pham, V.-H. Duong, T. K. Diu, S. P. Oliveira, G. M. Ai, T. M. Bui, and E. Oksum (2024), An effective edge detection technique for subsurface structural mapping from potential field data. Acta Geophysica, 72, 1661-1674.
- [53] K. Abdelrahman, L. T. Pham, S. P. Oliveira, V.-H. Duong, T. K. Duy, D. Gomez-Ortiz, M. S. Fnais, and A. M. Eldosouky (2024), Reliable Tilt-depth estimates based on the stable computation of the tilt angle using robust vertical derivatives. Scientific Reports, 14, 7392.
- [52] J. de Souza, S. P. Oliveira, L. S. A. Szameitat, O. A. de Souza Filho, and F. J. F. Ferreira (2024), Fourier domain vertical derivative of the nonpotential squared analytical signal of dike and step magnetic anomalies: A case of serendipity. Geophysics, 89, G1-G12.
- [51] A. D. Ferreira, C. V. Pinto-Coelho, S. P. Oliveira, J. P. de Assis, M. H. T. Camargo, and M. L. Cavallari (2024), Dominant wavelength: a tool for morphological simplification of stylolites. Carbonates and Evaporites, 39, 4.
- [50] S. P. Oliveira, A. B. S. Bongiolo, L. T. Pham, L. G. de Castro, and V. T. Jorge (2023), On the practical implementation of the enhanced horizontal derivative filter for potential field data. Contributions To Geophysics And Geodesy, 53, 319-331.
- [49] L. T. Pham and S. P. Oliveira, Edge Enhancement of Magnetic Sources Using the Tilt Angle and Derivatives of Directional Analytic Signals (2023). Pure and Applied Geophysics, 180, 4175-4189.
- [48] L. T. Pham, S. P. Oliveira, C. V. A. Le, N. T. Bui, A. H. Vu, and D. A. Nguyen (2023), Gravity Data Enhancement Using the Exponential Transform of the Tilt Angle of the Horizontal Gradient. Minerals, 13, 1539.
- [47] L. T. Pham, S. P. Oliveira, V.-H. Duong, K. Abdelrahman, M. S. Fnais, D. Gomez-Ortiz, D. V. Nguyen, Q. T. Vo, T. K. Duy, and A. M. Eldosouky (2023) Aeromagnetic data interpretation of the northern Kontum massif (Vietnam) for mapping subsurface structures. Geocarto International, 38, 2246940.
- [46] V. T. Jorge, S. P. Oliveira, L. T. Pham, and V.-H. Duong (2023) A balanced edge detector for aeromagnetic data. Vietnam Journal Of Earth Sciences, 45(3), 326-337.
- [45] J. M. Santos, E. Salamuni, N. Morales, L. G. de Castro, C. Lima da Silva,I. A. de Souza, V. Gimenez, and S. P. Oliveira (2023), Aeromagnetic and structural characterization of dyke swarms in southeast Brazil: Evidence for Cenozoic reactivation of the Guapiara lineament, Ponta Grossa Arch. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 129, 104523.
- [44] J. D. Weihermann, S. P. Oliveira, Y. Li, A. M. Silva and F. J. F. Ferreira (2023), Two-dimensional inversion of airborne radiometric data for source concentrations: Application to Cu-Au targeting at mara rosa magmatic Arc, Brazil. Geophysical Prospecting, 71, 876-888.
- [43] M. H. T. Camargo, A. D. Ferreira, C. V. Pinto-Coelho, S. P. Oliveira, T. T. Guimarães, M. L. Cavallari, M. R. Veronez, and L. F. Alfaro (2023), Hyperspectral analysis (VNIR-SWIR) applied to the characterization of a dolomitization context: a case study in Rio Bonito Quarry, Brazil. Carbonates and Evaporites, 38, 24.
- [42] S. P. Oliveira, J. de Souza, L. G. de Castro and F. J. F. Ferreira (2022), Interpretation of magnetic anomaly profiles using a decomposition in Hilbert transform pairs. Brazilian Journal of Geophysics, 40(4), 1-10.
- [41] S. P. Oliveira and L. T. Pham (2022), A Stable Finite Difference Method Based on Upward Continuation to Evaluate Vertical Derivatives of Potential Field Data. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 179(12), 4555-4566.
- [40] L. T. Pham, S. P. Oliveira, A. M. Eldosouky, K. Abdelrahman, M. S. Fnais, V. Xaiavong, and P. Andràš (2022), Determination of structural lineaments of northeastern Laos using the LTHG, EHGA methods. Journal of King Saud University - Science, 34(3), 101825.
- [39]L. T. Pham, S. P. Oliveira, M. H. Lec, T. T. Phan, T. V. Vu, V.-H. Duong, T-N. T. Ngo, T. D. Do, T. H. Nguyen, and A. M. Eldosouky (2022), Delineation of structural lineaments of the Southwest Sub-basin (East Vietnam Sea) using global marine gravity model from CryoSat-2 and Jason-1 satellites. Geocarto International, 37(25), 7681-7698.
- [38] L. T. Pham, A. M. Eldosouky, O. Melouah, K. Abdelrahman, H. Alzahrani, S. P. Oliveira, and P. Andràš (2021), Mapping subsurface structural lineaments using the edge filters of gravity data. Journal of King Saud University - Science, 33(8), 101594.
- [37] J. D. Weihermann, S. P. Oliveira, Y. Li, F. J. F. Ferreira, A. M. Silva, and R. Fortin (2021), A log-barrier approach for airborne gamma-ray spectrometry inversion. Computers and Geosciences, 147, 104682.
- [36] S. P. Oliveira, J. S. Azevedo, W. M. Figueiró, R. A. Guimarães, W. J. Silva, and A. de Oliveira (2021), Representation of discontinuous seismic velocity fields by sigmoidal functions for ray tracing and travel time modelling. Geophysical Journal International, 224(1), 435-448.
- [35] G. Seriani and S. P. Oliveira (2020), Modelling of mechanical wave propagation. La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 43(9), 459-514.
- [34] F. R. Castro, S. P. Oliveira, J. de Souza, and F. J. F. Ferreira (2020), Constraining Euler deconvolution solutions through combined tilt derivative filters. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170(10), 4883-4895.
- [33] J. de Souza, S. P. Oliveira, and F. J. F. Ferreira (2020), Using parity decomposition for interpreting magnetic anomalies from dikes having arbitrary dip angles, induced and remanent magnetization. Geophysics, 85(3), J51-J58.
- [32] J. S. Azevedo, S. P. Oliveira, and A. M. Rocha (2020), Spectral element approximation of functional integral equations. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 8(2), 172-187.
- [31] F. R. Castro, S. P. Oliveira, J. de Souza, and F. J. F. Ferreira (2018), Combining tilt derivative filters: new approaches to enhance magnetic anomalies. Brazilian Journal of Geophysics, 36(3), 335-343.
- [30] S. P. Oliveira, J. S. Azevedo, and M. J. Porsani (2018), A numerical viscoelastic model of ground response assimilating pore-water pressure measurements. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, 59(3), 223-248.
- [29] S. P. Oliveira (2018), Error analysis of Chebyshev spectral elements for the acoustic wave equation. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 26(3), 1850035.
- [28] A. M. Rocha, J. S. Azevedo, S. P. Oliveira, and M. R. Correa (2018), Numerical analysis of a collocation method for functional integral equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 134, 31-45.
- [27] J. D. Weihermann, F. J. F. Ferreira, S. P. Oliveira, L. F. Cury and J. de Souza (2018), Magnetic interpretation of the Paranaguá Terrane, southern Brazil by Signum transform. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 154, 116-127.
- [26] J. S. Azevedo, F. Wisniewski, and S. P. Oliveira (2018), A Galerkin method with two-dimensional Haar basis functions for the computation of the Karhunen-Loève expansion. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 37(2), 1825-1846.
- [25] S. P. Oliveira and S. A. Leite (2018), Error analysis of the spectral element method with Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points for the acoustic wave equation in heterogeneous media. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 129, 39-57.
- [24] S. P. Oliveira, F. J. F. Ferreira, and J. de Souza (2017), EdgeDetectPFI: an algorithm for automatic edge detection in potential field anomaly images - application to dike-like magnetic structures. Computers & Geosciences, 103, 80-91.
- [23] A. C. da Rocha, M. A. Murad, C. Moyne, S. P. Oliveira, and T. D. Le (2016), A new methodology for computing ionic profiles and disjoining pressure in swelling porous media. Computational Geosciences, 20(5), 975-996.
- [22] T. E. B. Brufati, S. P. Oliveira, and A. Bassrei (2015), Conjugate Gradient Method for the Solution of Inverse Problems: Application in Linear Seismic Tomography. TEMA, 16(3), 185-194.
- [21] J. S. Azevedo, S. P. Oliveira, and F. Wisniewski (2015), Weighted Gaussian quadratures for orthogonal wavelet functions in the interval. International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 28(6), 757-778.
- [20] S. P. Oliveira and J. S. Azevedo (2015), Numerical approximation of 2D Fredholm integral eigenvalue problems by orthogonal wavelets. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 267, 517-528.
- [19] D. G. A. Vigo, S. P. Oliveira, A. R. de Zarate, and A. Nachbin (2014), Fully discrete stability and dispersion analysis for a linear dispersive internal wave model. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 33(1), 203-211.
- [18] S. P. Oliveira and J. S. Azevedo (2014), Spectral element approximation of Fredholm integral eigenvalue problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 257, 46-56.
- [17] S. P. Oliveira, A. R. de Zarate, A. C. da Rocha, and D. G. A. Vigo (2013), A note on the alternate trapezoidal quadrature method for Fredholm integral eigenvalue problems. Numerical Algorithms, 62(4), 601-614.
- [16] J. S. Azevedo and S. P. Oliveira (2012). A numerical comparison between quasi-Monte Carlo and sparse grid stochastic collocation methods. Communications in Computational Physics, 12(4), 1051-1069.
- [15] J. S. Azevedo, M. Murad, M. R. Borges, and S. P. Oliveira (2012). A Space-Time Multiscale Method for Computing Statistical Moments in Strongly Heterogeneous Poroelastic Media of Evolving Scales. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 90(6), 671-706.
- [14] F. A. Dorini, M. C. C. Cunha, and S. P. Oliveira (2011). Solução de Problemas Envolvendo Equações Diferenciais Sujeitas a Incertezas (in Portuguese). TEMA, 12(2), 111-123.
- [13] S. P. Oliveira and G. Seriani (2011). Effect of element distortion on the numerical dispersion of spectral element methods. Communications in Computational Physics, 9(4), 937-958.
- [12] S. P. Oliveira and G. Seriani (2010). DFT modal analysis of spectral element methods for the 2D elastic wave equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234(6), 1717-1724.
- [11] J. S. Azevedo, S. P. Oliveira, and O. A. L. Lima (2009). Métodos estocásticos para modelagem de escoamento estacionário e transiente em meios porosos (in Portuguese). Brazilian Journal of Geophysics, 27(2), 241-254.
- [10 ] S. P. Oliveira, A. Madureira, and F. Valentin (2009). Weighted Quadrature Rules for Finite Element Methods. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 227(1), 93-101.
- [9 ] G. Seriani and S. P. Oliveira (2009). Reply to Comment on 'Dispersion analysis of spectral element methods for elastic wave propagation'. Wave Motion, 46(1), 94-95
- [8 ] G. Seriani and S. P. Oliveira (2008). DFT modal analysis of spectral element methods for acoustic wave propagation . Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 16(4), 531-561.
- [7 ] G. Seriani and S. P. Oliveira (2008). Dispersion analysis of spectral element methods for elastic wave propagation. Wave Motion, 45(6), 729-744
- [6 ] M. J. Porsani and S. P. Oliveira (2008). Linearized seismic waveform inversion using a multiple re- weighted least-squares method with QR preconditioning. Geophysical Prospecting, 56(1), 61-68.
- [5 ] G. Seriani and S. P. Oliveira (2007). Optimal blended spectral-element operators for acoustic wave modeling. Geophysics, 72(5), SM95-SM106.
- [4 ] L. Franca, S. P. Oliveira, and M. Sarkis (2007). Continuous Q1-Q1 Stokes elements stabilized with non- conforming null edge average velocity functions. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 17(3), 439-459.
- [3 ] N. R. Ferreira, M. J. Porsani, and S. P. Oliveira (2003). A hybrid genetic and linear algorithm for 2-D inversion of sets of vertical electrical sounding. Brazilian Journal of Geophysics, 21(3), 235-248.
- [2 ] L. Franca and S. P. Oliveira (2003). Pressure bubbles stabilization features in the Stokes problem. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 192 (16-18), 1929-1937.
- [1 ] I. Harari, L. Franca, and S. P. Oliveira (2001). Streamline design of stability parameters for advection-diffusion problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 171, 115-131.
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